The Devil Inside is a 2012 American supernatural horror film directed by William Brent Bell, and written by Bell and Matthew Peterman. It is a documentary-style film about a woman who becomes involved in a series of exorcisms during her quest to determine what happened to her mother, a woman who murdered three people as a result of being possessed by a demon. Produced by Peterman and Morris Paulson,[4] the film stars Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Evan Helmuth, and Suzan Crowley, and was released theatrically on January 6, 2012.
The film topped the US box office on its opening weekend, yet dropped
drastically in the second week, before disappearing completely from the
box office top ten.[5]
This might have been caused by the fact that there was no preview
screening for the press, which subsequently panned the movie after its
Additionally, the audience reception was very negative. Despite this,
the film was a huge commercial success, grossing roughly $100 million.
Pentium II 233MHz processor | |
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